Playing with the Faeries

Playing with the Faeries

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19/10 Power of Positive Thoughts

Today's inspiration is my current life situation.
Do you ever get to the point in your life when you want to throw up your hands and scream I'm done, I've had it? That was my point yesterday. I had a lot of shit happen in one day and I was at the end of my rope.
I'm usually a very positive person but this time around, Mrs positive wasn't in the house. Not sure if she is going to be there very strong but I'm trying.
Do you ever think you have guardian who brings you out of your funk? Well I think I had that happen to me today.
Last night, I prayed for some sort of sign that things would get better so I can keep thinking positive. This morning on my way to work, this interesting conversation happened. I just remember driving to work and feeling that someone was in the car with me talking to me through me. I know everyone who is reading this probably thinks I'm cuckoo for coco puffs. But I think it really happened. My voice was different and it was like someone was talking through me to me. Very strange and surreal all at the same time. When the car drive started, I was feeling like shit. My head was killing me and my chest was tight. But in the 10 minutes of the drive, my headache and my chest tightness eased up. I don't remember the whole conversation. Just these words. Positive thought brings positive flow. So in light of that conversation I'm going to try to be positive. It's going to be very hard but I have my health to worry about. I don't need to take the whole world on my shoulders. Just one piece at a time.
And I also must thank my awesome hubby for making me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. He always knows when something is wrong even if I don't say anything. One of the
Please share your stories on how you keep positive. Hopefully,it will help me learns some new techniques.
Until next time,

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